
We Share Earth is a 501(c)(3) – All contributions are Tax Deductible

We Share Earth is a 501(c)(3) Environmental Education Non-Profit based in Boulder, CO with a global focus of teaching, modeling, and implementing sustainable practices for community resilience, resource management, and improved quality of life. Our small band of staff and volunteers travel the world, engage in workshops, and gather the best methods from around the planet to share via workshops, social media and video.  They do all this out of their own pockets.

Our vision is to create a synthesis of learning and teaching from every community we encounter, and to use the natural world and bio-mimicry as the ultimate classroom and instructor for the most balanced and harmonious way to provide sustainable solutions for earth.

Although we currently operate entirely on the generosity of donors, we have a 5 year plan for complete financial self-sustainability as an organization. Our vision is to help create a more abundant and balanced planet with an improved quality of life for all beings.  On a community level, we do this by taking action with sustainable, locally appropriate solutions which create and support self-sufficiency, regional resilience, and resourcing waste streams into resource management.  On an individual basis, we assist in people discovering and living their unique purpose to create a balanced life of health and happiness.

Your donations support a global vision of peace and prosperity through clean food, water, and shared resource abundance.  We make this dream a reality through the local application of relevant regenerative models, training videos and manuals and hands-on learning and transformative experiences.