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A multi-generational mentoring program connecting elders, at-risk young adults and middle-aged professionals through sharing nature connection and life skills. We provide synergistic interactions which upgrade mental programming – leading to fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Upgrade your Human Operating System

Mentoring topics include:

  • Food forests
  • Water Harvesting
  • Permaculture Gardens
  • Waste stream revisioning
  • Shelter, Structures & Natural Building
  • Community and relationships
  • Health and wellness

Connecting Generations

Multi-generational impact, local focus.

By connecting the diversity of a variety of ages, backgrounds, and perspectives, we create a richer, more balanced foundation from which to build. We are encouraging the craftsman and craftswomen who have spent their lives mastering their trade and embracing their passions to pass along this wisdom to current generations so this knowledge and know-how will be preserved.

Connecting to Nature

Feeling Home in our Natural Environment

By making relationship with all things, including the things we have previously disowned or hidden, we step into a larger connection that exists between ourselves and the rest of the world.  This is the place where true transformation takes place: awareness of where we are, acknowledgement of where we have been, and focus on where we are headed.  We create an environment where all perspectives, histories, and passions are honored for their diversity.